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“Khilkhilahat” program held on 31st December, 2023, a heartwarming day-out event organized at an old-age home, aimed at bringing joy, laughter, and companionship to the elderly residents. It’s a day filled with various activities, entertainment, and interaction designed to uplift their spirits and provide them with moments of happiness and connection.

The aim of “Khilkhilahat” is to create a vibrant and lively atmosphere at the old-age home, fostering a sense of community and belonging among the residents. By organizing engaging activities and facilitating meaningful interactions, the event aims to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation often experienced by the elderly, promoting their overall well-being and mental health.


Conclusion :

“Khilkhilahat” served as a testament to the transformative power of community action. “Khilkhilahat” serves as a beacon of hope and joy in the lives of the elderly residents of the old-age home. Through thoughtful planning and execution of various activities, the event succeeds in uplifting their spirits, fostering a sense of belonging, and creating cherished memories. The smiles, laughter, and camaraderie witnessed throughout the day reflect the success of the event in bringing happiness and companionship to those who need it most.