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Joyful Congregation

Joyful Congregation

Joyful Congregation took place on Satuday, 9th December, 2023, at City Park , Alpha 2 , Greater Noida .The Fellowship was organised to develop a healthy and family-like atmosphere for all the new as well as the older members.

Using the games and activities organised by the Club as a staircase, everyone could feel the bonds strengthening and the atmosphere becoming cozier. Everyone, divided into their respective teams showed a coordinated effort in the activities like dumb-charades, treasure hunt etc. This event brought together the whole community of Rotaract and helped us to develop confidence to communicate with all the other members and to work efficiently in the upcoming projects.

Joyful Congregation aimed to foster connections and build a sense of community.


Conclusion :

Joyful Congregation served as a testament to the transformative power of community action.Through this event, we have successfully created a platform for individuals to come together, connect, and build a supportive community. The diverse range of activities, from networking opportunities to skill-building sessions, contributed to an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual growth.This Fellowship Event stands as a testament to the power of community-building initiatives. It is our hope that the connections formed and lessons learned during this event will continue to ripple through our community, fostering a culture of support, collaboration, and lifelong learning. ##United we stand , Divided we fall.

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