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Good Touch and Bad Touch

Empowering Children: Good Touch and Bad Touch Awareness Event

In an effort to create a safer environment for our children, the “Good Touch and Bad Touch” Awareness Event took place on 16th September 2023 at Diksha School, Alpha 1, Greater Noida. This Club Event, conducted with great enthusiasm, focused on imparting essential knowledge to children, ensuring their well-being in our society.

Aim and Impact

The primary goal of this event was to educate and empower school kids about good touch and bad touch, instilling in them the confidence to recognize inappropriate situations and assert their boundaries. By openly addressing the topic, the event aimed to reduce the stigma associated with discussing child abuse, making it easier for victims to seek help. Additionally, it fostered a sense of community support, where schools, parents, and organizations collaborated to prioritize child safety.

Building Confidence and Awareness

Through interactive sessions and expert guidance, children gained the confidence to identify and report instances of bad touch. The event’s impact was profound, ensuring early intervention in situations of abuse and providing children with the tools to protect themselves.

Collaborators and Speaker

The event benefited from the expertise of Ms. Geetika Sodhi, a knowledgeable speaker in the field of child safety. While there were no specific collaborating clubs or organizations, the collective effort of the community made this event possible.

The “Good Touch and Bad Touch” Awareness Event stands as a testament to the power of education and community engagement. By equipping children with knowledge and awareness, we contribute to a safer future, where every child can grow up with a strong sense of security and confidence.

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