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” Dearie” event held from 7th-14th February, 2024, is a heartwarming week-long event dedicated to celebrating Valentine’s Week by expressing gratitude to the unsung heroes in our lives - our guards, house help, and all those who support us in various ways. Throughout the week, participants have the opportunity to show appreciation and spread love by giving small gifts, tokens of appreciation, and heartfelt messages to these individuals who often go unnoticed but play a significant role in our daily lives. Through “Dearie,” we aim to acknowledge their contributions, strengthen bonds, and foster a culture of kindness and gratitude.

The aim of “Dearie” is to celebrate Valentine’s Week by extending love and gratitude to the often overlooked individuals who support us in our daily lives. By recognizing their efforts and expressing appreciation through small gestures, the event aims to cultivate a culture of kindness, empathy, and gratitude within our community.


Conclusion :

“Dearie” concludes as a heartwarming and impactful event, leaving participants and recipients touched by the outpouring of love and gratitude throughout the week. Through small gifts, handwritten notes, and acts of kindness, the event has not only celebrated Valentine’s Week but has also strengthened bonds and fostered a culture of kindness and gratitude within the community. As participants reflect on the significance of showing appreciation to those who support them, they are inspired to continue spreading love and kindness in their daily lives.